
Game scene Design

This is the painting who painted for 3d scene as reference at below

This one was use upon painting as reference to made by use 3ds max

This one is use Photoshop add background


The buddhistic Building

When Project is done.they make the photograph.


When Day become Night-Lighting the world

Create by 3D software+Photoshop

Change by Using Photoshop

Create by 3D software+Photoshop

Change by Using Photoshop

Create by 3D software+Photoshop

Change by Using Photoshop

Change by Using Photoshop

Freehand drawing

Change by Using Photoshop

Photo shoot in Hong Kong

Change by Using Photoshop


Color plan-Project:Four Seasons

Color plan-Project:Banyan tree Lijiang

Besides the ability of making accurate color plan and three-dimensional surface, I also have a special skill that is to show the accurate result of lighting of a room or a landscape on color plans. As you see, I hold the skill because I had worked as a designer in the illuminating industry for so many years.
